Scottish for Dummies aka Berloke`s Handy Guide Thereof (last updated 14/7/99) changes as soon as anyone asks me what the hell I`m talking about. THIS HAS LOADS OF SWEARING IN IT. RUN AWAY HIDING YOUR EYES IF THIS UPSETS YOU. pissed/shitfaced/wankered/rat-arsed = drunk fags = cigarettes (these two cause the most confusion) up the duff/up the stick = pregnant ahright/awright/alright = hello nut/stick the heid on (verb) = to headbutt headcase/heidcase/nutter = violent person. Think Begbie from Trainspotting A hiding/kicking = a thorough beating Irn-Bru = A synthetic orange coloured fizzy drink. Has powerful hangover curing properties bevvy = alcoholic drink wanker/tosser = person who masturbates(insult) bollocks = testicles nob = penis mince = good & bad & walk favoured by camp gay men (yes it means all three. You`ll have to work it out by context) mincer = camp gay man gash = fairly offensive term for vagina & an adjective meaning very very bad bloke/punter = man nob jockey/fuckwit = random term of abuse bird = woman fanny = quite mild term for vagina. bucket fanny = work it out for yorself. NOT a compliment >:-) boys and toys = boys and girls (not that I think women are toys, it`s just that "girls" doesn`t rhyme) what like? = how are you? nae sae bad = not so bad canny = cannot nipper/sprog = baby hoor = whore fucking hoor of a cunt = not something I`m likely to be saying in buffyguide a lot. A curse used when highly pissed off. fhoac bogs = toilets shitter = toilet or anus gary (glitter) = shitter stone (in context of weight) = 14 pounds