Other Folk's Shag, Snog or Kill Lists

Come on, don't be shy. How are people going to know you're a drooling pervert if you don't give them written proof?

  FeTHerS Rob
Buffy  Shag  I want to experience those slayer muscles she was telling Spike about. Shag.    
Willow  Shag, Shag and Shag again  Snog. Truely, madly, deeply. Shagging would of course follow, but it�s the snogging that I�d take to my grave decades hence    
Oz  Sorry but KILL  Ehhh� Can�t kill him, that�s Willow�s job. Snog.    
Giles  Shag, but would first receive assurances that he uses his mouth more during sex than he does when he talks.  Snog. (Shag if he�ll give me that �Loaded� album. I can be bought.)    
Angel  Shag  Snog    
Spike  Shag  Shag    
Jenny  Shag  Shag    
Xander  Snog  Snog    
Cordelia  Snog  Shag    
Faith  mmmMMm whips, chains... ermmm sorry SHAG!  Shag. Rinse. Repeat.    
Wesley  KILLLLLLLLL  This guy needs killing so badly I'd probably want to make him a vampire just so I could kill him twice.    
Riley  Kill.  Shag    
Parker  Kill  Yirrg. Too weaselly to shag, too pretty to kill. Ahh, kill him anyway, it�ll teach him a lesson    
Anya  SHAGSHAGSHAG  I just want lots of orgasms. Shag.    
Evil Willow  Even more whips and Chains!!! SHAGGGGG  In my world, she can ride me like a pony. Be shagged by    
Drusilla  is it possible to shag from a minimum safe distance?  Kill. Do not establish eye contact    
Larry  Kill  Snog    
Tara  Shag  Snog, and once she�s in a good mood, ask her how much she wants for the red-head    
Random Shag  Willow again!  Darla    
Random Snog  Willow again (are we noticing a theme here?)  Chanterelle    
Random Kill  Adam, I've not even seen him yet and already I don't like him!  With malice aforethought, Quentin the head Watcher guy in Helpless. Malice apres-thought too    
Threesome with?  Willow and Tara.  The Powers that Be    
Non-Buffy Threesome with?  Alyson Hannigan and Amber Benson (that counts right?) NO IT DOESN'T  Any two of the three Meg Ryans in Joe Vs. The Volcano.    

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