Other Folk's Shag, Snog or Kill Lists

Come on, don't be shy. How are people going to know you're a drooling pervert if you don't give them written proof?

  Zeus radioradio5 fetterdave CassyLee
Buffy  Shag, until somebody stops me.  Shag  shag  shag - so long as she's not in self-pity mode
Willow  Shag, I�d probably let her shag me but I would keep the TV remote nearby to fend off possible boredom.  Shag  shag  shag, sweetly, gently & often
Oz  Shag, if he got me sufficiently liquored-up first, and I was feeling all vulnerable. I�d probably giggle like hell as he set about me with that tiny body of his.  Snog  snog  shag
Giles  Shag, but would first receive assurances that he uses his mouth more during sex than he does when he talks.  Snog  snog  shag, on the table in the library
Angel  Shag  Kill  snog  shag
Spike  Shag  Snog  kill  
Jenny  A good shagging.  Shag  shag  shag multiple times a day, everyday, for the rest of his undead life
Xander  Shag, after instructions to keep the joking to a minimum.  Snog  snog  shag
Cordelia  Any male who wouldn�t want to shag Cordelia until she walks funny does not have a handle on this whole masculinity thing.  Shag Shag Shag  shag  shag, then go out shopping with
Faith  See above, maybe even more so.  Shag Shag Shag  snog (STD's, you know)  she scares me, but what the heck, shag
Wesley  Shag, but only the �Angel� Wesley.  Kill  kill  Buffy Wesley - snog, Angel Wesley - shag
Riley  Shag. Women who say they wouldn�t shag Riley are engaging in typical female self-deception.  Kill  snog  shag, then take home to meet the folks
Parker  Shag, but not be so stupid to think he�d call me the next day  Fucking Kill  kill, kill, kill  shag, then kick to the curb
Anya  Shag in unusual ways  Shag Shag  shag  shag
Evil Willow  Shag  Shag with care  snog  shag, but with an iron cuff around my neck to protect me from being bitten.
Drusilla  Shag, but I wouldn�t spend the night  see above  kill  shag - after I trim those lethal nails of hers
Larry    Who is this  snog  wow, finally... a simple snog will do
Tara  Shag, but I�d make her shower first  Kill  snog (I don't think she'd shag me)  shag
Random Shag  Chantarelle  Cameron Diaz guest staring in buffy   Kendra  Doyle from Angel
Random Snog  Don�t understand question (see post on subject)  Bridget Fonda on the same show  Kendra again, please  Owen
Random Kill  Joyce  Anyone from the beautiful south  somebody at Wolfram & Hart  Snyder
Threesome with?  Cordy and Faith.  Cordy & Faith   Buffy & Willow  Angel & Spike
Non-Buffy Threesome with?  Jennifer Connelly and Lucretia  Cameron Diaz & Faith  Yasmine Bleeth & Chelsea Field (if you know who she is, you get a gold star!)  Daniel Day Lewis & Eric Schwieg

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