Pyre's Fire | Zer0 Signal | Nos402 | Zathras | |
Buffy | Snog ... but only if we could wrestle a little first | Shag, but I'd be nervous about what she'd think if i didnt call right away | Shag, at least one each of tender love making and crazy grunting sweating shagging! | Shag �till I pop like warm champagne. |
Willow | Shag in the middle of a wicca circle perferably | Snog/shag tenderly and often | Shag, more of the tender Sarah McLachlan, than crazy monkey sex, but not entirely. Make sweet love down by the fire. | Loving shag or �Say my name, Bitch!� |
Oz | Snog | Kill, not for the cheating but cuz he just up and left | snog, he's a cutie, but if I were a woman I don't think I would see him as a shag | Reluctant snog |
Giles | ... A very weary snog .. who know whast sort of equipment he has! | Snog | snog, mostly only for lack of another choice besides shag or kill | Blindfold and send to Lucretia. |
Angel | Shag ... until he bites .. hard! | Good Angel - Kill. Angelus...I don't think it'd be my choice | Shag, He would probably have the sweet tenderness with vampire intensity | Kill |
Spike | Snog (after shagging Dru senseless in front of him!) | Snog | casual Shag only | kill |
Jenny | Would've snogged but now feel no complusion to do either! | Shag shag shag | Never saw her, but most "Jenny"s are at least worth a snog | Shag #1, get in line in front of Faith |
Xander | Okay ... snog i suppose | A smack in the head for not noticing Willow for all those years | Snog | Kill, just for being annoying |
Cordelia | Depends on my mood ... either snog or kill | Snog (character development aside, she's still a little shallow) | Shag as if it were my last shag on earth | Shag until her hair extensions fall out |
Faith | Shag ... no question | Shag till I wouldn't care if she strangled me | Another casual good time shag | Shag in a sweaty slayer pile |
Wesley | Kill .. with a screwdriver and two types of tin metal | Kill | kill 'nuff said | Kill |
Riley | Kill | Beat to death with a shovel | I really have a hard time judging the guys. I would naturally tend towards snog, but after seeing him and Buffy, I would go to shag | Snog, I spose |
Parker | Kill ... slowly and painfully | Powerbomb from 20 feet up through five flaming tables. Repeat until dead. | Kill. Jerks like him give us guys our bad rep | Kill and burn |
Anya | Shag ... teach her what else interconnecting bodies can do! | Shag the ex-demon horniness right out of her | Shag. It would be interesing given her learning about humanity kinda thing | Finger-through-circle �Hush� shag |
Evil Willow | Oh defiantely shag ... unitl we're brain dead .. the whole tie them up and ride them like ponies thing sends me crazy! | Shag, get vamped, shag more | Evil shag | Ride me like a pony shag. |
Drusilla | Shag in front of Spike until he breaks his chains and becomes our bitch! | Kill (she REALLY irritates me) | never saw her but if she wanted to shag I don't think I would have a choice. | Kill |
Larry | Neither ... fourth option? | Kill for picking on Xander back in the day | Don't know anything about him, so kill | Kill |
Tara | Snog ... for willow's sake! | Shag (provided Joss' blind assistant didn't pick out her clothes this week) | snog, and see how it goes from there | Snog |
Random Shag | Vamp Xander | Vamp Slayer D (I'll never look at chocolate the same way again) | Veruca, as long as it's not a full moon. I can't think of any more characters... | Melissa Burns (Angel: I Fall to Pieces) |
Random Snog | Princess Buffy | The girl from the first ep of Angel (pre-mortem of course) | I'm open...anyone? Anyone? Damn. No takers. | Amy the non-rat |
Random Kill | Harmony (or any one of 'those' people) or Kendra | Harmony. Same fate as Parker | Maggie Walsh, Glad she's gone | Chanterelle/Lily |
Threesome with? | Vamp Willow and Angel | Faith and Anya | Buffy, Willow | Jenny(alive) and Lilah Morgan(W&H Lawyer from �The Ring�) |
Non-Buffy Threesome with? | Luca Buck (Amercian Gothic) .. i like the idea of shagging the devil and Maya (Just Shoot Me!) | Milla Jovovich and Amy Dumas (Lita from the WWF) | Shania Twain, Cindy Margolis (only 2 of many candidates) | Shania Twain and Andrea Corr. Give �em to me small, and make �em sing. |