Other Folk's Shag, Snog or Kill Lists

Come on, don't be shy. How are people going to know you're a drooling pervert if you don't give them written proof?

  Pyre's Fire Zer0 Signal Nos402 Zathras
Buffy  Snog ... but only if we could wrestle a little first  Shag, but I'd be nervous about what she'd think if i didnt call right away  Shag, at least one each of tender love making and crazy grunting sweating shagging!  Shag �till I pop like warm champagne.
Willow  Shag in the middle of a wicca circle perferably  Snog/shag tenderly and often  Shag, more of the tender Sarah McLachlan, than crazy monkey sex, but not entirely. Make sweet love down by the fire.  Loving shag or �Say my name, Bitch!�
Oz  Snog  Kill, not for the cheating but cuz he just up and left  snog, he's a cutie, but if I were a woman I don't think I would see him as a shag  Reluctant snog
Giles  ... A very weary snog .. who know whast sort of equipment he has!  Snog  snog, mostly only for lack of another choice besides shag or kill  Blindfold and send to Lucretia.
Angel  Shag ... until he bites .. hard!  Good Angel - Kill. Angelus...I don't think it'd be my choice  Shag, He would probably have the sweet tenderness with vampire intensity  Kill
Spike  Snog (after shagging Dru senseless in front of him!)  Snog  casual Shag only  kill
Jenny  Would've snogged but now feel no complusion to do either!  Shag shag shag  Never saw her, but most "Jenny"s are at least worth a snog  Shag #1, get in line in front of Faith
Xander  Okay ... snog i suppose  A smack in the head for not noticing Willow for all those years  Snog  Kill, just for being annoying
Cordelia  Depends on my mood ... either snog or kill  Snog (character development aside, she's still a little shallow)  Shag as if it were my last shag on earth  Shag until her hair extensions fall out
Faith  Shag ... no question  Shag till I wouldn't care if she strangled me  Another casual good time shag  Shag in a sweaty slayer pile
Wesley  Kill .. with a screwdriver and two types of tin metal  Kill  kill 'nuff said  Kill
Riley  Kill  Beat to death with a shovel   I really have a hard time judging the guys. I would naturally tend towards snog, but after seeing him and Buffy, I would go to shag  Snog, I spose
Parker  Kill ... slowly and painfully  Powerbomb from 20 feet up through five flaming tables. Repeat until dead.  Kill. Jerks like him give us guys our bad rep  Kill and burn
Anya  Shag ... teach her what else interconnecting bodies can do!  Shag the ex-demon horniness right out of her  Shag. It would be interesing given her learning about humanity kinda thing  Finger-through-circle �Hush� shag
Evil Willow  Oh defiantely shag ... unitl we're brain dead .. the whole tie them up and ride them like ponies thing sends me crazy!  Shag, get vamped, shag more  Evil shag  Ride me like a pony shag.
Drusilla  Shag in front of Spike until he breaks his chains and becomes our bitch!  Kill (she REALLY irritates me)  never saw her but if she wanted to shag I don't think I would have a choice.  Kill
Larry  Neither ... fourth option?  Kill for picking on Xander back in the day  Don't know anything about him, so kill  Kill
Tara  Snog ... for willow's sake!  Shag (provided Joss' blind assistant didn't pick out her clothes this week)  snog, and see how it goes from there  Snog
Random Shag  Vamp Xander  Vamp Slayer D (I'll never look at chocolate the same way again)  Veruca, as long as it's not a full moon. I can't think of any more characters...  Melissa Burns (Angel: I Fall to Pieces)
Random Snog  Princess Buffy  The girl from the first ep of Angel (pre-mortem of course)   I'm open...anyone? Anyone? Damn. No takers.  Amy the non-rat
Random Kill  Harmony (or any one of 'those' people) or Kendra  Harmony. Same fate as Parker  Maggie Walsh, Glad she's gone  Chanterelle/Lily
Threesome with?  Vamp Willow and Angel  Faith and Anya  Buffy, Willow  Jenny(alive) and Lilah Morgan(W&H Lawyer from �The Ring�)
Non-Buffy Threesome with?  Luca Buck (Amercian Gothic) .. i like the idea of shagging the devil and Maya (Just Shoot Me!)  Milla Jovovich and Amy Dumas (Lita from the WWF)   Shania Twain, Cindy Margolis (only 2 of many candidates)  Shania Twain and Andrea Corr. Give �em to me small, and make �em sing.

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