Magic 8 Ball | Hi There | Jacqui | Emilie | |
Buffy | Somewhere between snog and kill | shag, shag, shag until her slayer strength killed me | Snog. | Snog |
Willow | Heavy, heated snog | snog, snog, snog, ad nauseum then lovingly shag, shag, shag | Shag. Lots. | Snog. Or maybe tender shag |
Oz | Shag in the Oz-mobile to the tunes of the DAMB | snog, then take coolness & music lessons from him | Kill. | Shag |
Giles | Shag | I suppose shag, then take history lessons from him | Shag, shag and then shag again. After that, for a change, maybe a shag. Let's see who falls unconscious first. | Snog |
Angel | Shag and then kill | Kill Angel, shag Angelus and take evil & humor lessons from him. | Kill. Very slowly, very, very slowly. Maybe a drop of holy water at a time. That should do it. | Shag (Mathew will be disapointed with me if he sees this. But after all, I�m only human) |
Spike | Are you kidding? SHAG many, many times over | Kill. That was a joke: I�d shag him like everyone else (Spike�s a busy boy, isn�t he?) | Snog. | shag. Yummy ! |
Jenny | Definite snog | Can�t decide between shag or kill (she�s hot, but I was never a big fan). | Snog. Enthusiastically. (Although, I wouldn't mind finding out *where* she does dangle that corkscrew from, and *how* it got loose and left in Giles' library). | snog |
Xander | Shag, at least he wouldn't be wearing those hideous clothes of his. | Shag, then take humor lessons from him | Snog. | Totally SHAG SHAG ! ! So that I could take one of his horrible shirts off of him. He he. Or maybe he could be wearing leather. Yeah, vampire Xander is even more shaggable. |
Cordelia | Snog | Shag, shag, and shag some more | Shag. Happily. | it would have been �kill� until last year, but now it�s snog, �now� meaning since she�s in " Angel " |
Faith | Definite shag, especially when she's all cleavag-y and leather-wearing (when isn't she?). | Shag in obscene ways | Shag. Anyway, anyhow, anywhere. Chain me up and call me... well, anything you like. | Kill, kill, kill ! ! ! |
Wesley | Shag, as long as there is duct tape over his mouth. | On Buffy, kill. On Angel. . .still kill, though he is starting to grow on me. | Is there another option? Couldn't kill, but wouldn't get lippy or groiny. | Kill. Or maybe shag and then kill. |
Riley | Kill, after a savage beating. Too much of a white bread, all american, goody-goody | My feelings on Mr. Wholesome are too neutral to decide | Kill. | kill (for the moment) |
Parker | Kill | KILL, KILL, KILL, with the knowledge gained from my lessons with Angelus and Evil Willow. | Kill. For fun. I can't tell you how much fun. | Kill. Slowly. And painfully. Possibly Twice. Or more. |
Anya | Disinterested snog | SHAG, SHAG, SHAG, SHAG, SHAG ad naseum, then shag some more. | Snog. A lot. | Snog. Or maybe not, since she�s got Xander. Uh, kill ! |
Evil Willow | Enthusiastic snog | Kill. Willow as a cleavagey slut-bomb just disturbs me | Shag. Yes please! | Shag. She�s grrr. |
Drusilla | Snog and then kill | Shag | Snog, but I'd be packing the stakes just in case. | Kill. |
Larry | Kill. He always seemed a one-joke character. | Kill (but I'd make it quick and painless). | Snog | |
Tara | Snog, and then help her pick out a new wardrobe | Kill, for the moment. The wardrobe department�s got it in for her, so I�d be putting her out of her misery. | Reserving judgement until I've seen her (though I'm thinking kill). | kill |
Random Shag | Percy, dimmed-witted & rude but incredibly hot. | Darla. | Vampire Xander. | Devon. Hmm. |
Random Snog | Kendra, the accent's holding her back. | Willow, for good measure. | Sandy (the girl in Doppelgangland). | Scott Hope. Okay, so he dumped Buffy, big deal ! ! He was cute. |
Random Kill | Harmony, vapid and vacuous. | Parker, again, for good measure | Harmony. Ethan. | Human Harmony |
Threesome with | Spike and Faith. Oh wow. | Faith and Cordelia. | Faith and Giles | Xander & Vamp Willow. Or possibly Xander & Oz. |
Non-Buffy threesome | Troy Hartman (MTV) and Jimmy Fallon (SNL) | Guinevere and Morgan le Fay (my own ideal hotties, created entirely out of my imagination. | Andrea Parker ( The Pretender) and Sheryl Crow (Are we allowed to *do* non-tv people?). (Yes-Berloke) |
Wes Bentley & Jude Law |