Other Folk's Shag, Snog or Kill Lists

Come on, don't be shy. How are people going to know you're a drooling pervert if you don't give them written proof?

Magic 8 Ball Hi There Jacqui Emilie
Buffy  Somewhere between snog and kill  shag, shag, shag until her slayer strength killed me  Snog.  Snog
 Willow  Heavy, heated snog   snog, snog, snog, ad nauseum then lovingly shag, shag, shag  Shag. Lots.  Snog. Or maybe tender shag
 Oz  Shag in the Oz-mobile to the tunes of the DAMB  snog, then take coolness & music lessons from him  Kill.  Shag
 Giles  Shag  I suppose shag, then take history lessons from him  Shag, shag and then shag again. After that, for a change, maybe a shag. Let's see who falls unconscious first.  Snog
 Angel  Shag and then kill  Kill Angel, shag Angelus and take evil & humor lessons from him.  Kill. Very slowly, very, very slowly. Maybe a drop of holy water at a time. That should do it.  Shag (Mathew will be disapointed with me if he sees this. But after all, I�m only human)
 Spike  Are you kidding? SHAG many, many times over  Kill. That was a joke: I�d shag him like everyone else (Spike�s a busy boy, isn�t he?)  Snog.  shag. Yummy !
 Jenny  Definite snog  Can�t decide between shag or kill (she�s hot, but I was never a big fan).  Snog. Enthusiastically. (Although, I wouldn't mind finding out *where* she does dangle that corkscrew from, and *how* it got loose and left in Giles' library).  snog
 Xander  Shag, at least he wouldn't be wearing those hideous clothes of his.  Shag, then take humor lessons from him  Snog.  Totally SHAG SHAG ! ! So that I could take one of his horrible shirts off of him. He he. Or maybe he could be wearing leather. Yeah, vampire Xander is even more shaggable.
 Cordelia  Snog  Shag, shag, and shag some more  Shag. Happily.   it would have been �kill� until last year, but now it�s snog, �now� meaning since she�s in " Angel "
 Faith  Definite shag, especially when she's all cleavag-y and leather-wearing (when isn't she?).  Shag in obscene ways  Shag. Anyway, anyhow, anywhere. Chain me up and call me... well, anything you like.  Kill, kill, kill ! ! !
 Wesley   Shag, as long as there is duct tape over his mouth.  On Buffy, kill. On Angel. . .still kill, though he is starting to grow on me.  Is there another option? Couldn't kill, but wouldn't get lippy or groiny.  Kill. Or maybe shag and then kill.
 Riley  Kill, after a savage beating. Too much of a white bread, all american, goody-goody  My feelings on Mr. Wholesome are too neutral to decide  Kill.  kill (for the moment)
 Parker  Kill  KILL, KILL, KILL, with the knowledge gained from my lessons with Angelus and Evil Willow.  Kill. For fun. I can't tell you how much fun.  Kill. Slowly. And painfully. Possibly Twice. Or more.
 Anya  Disinterested snog  SHAG, SHAG, SHAG, SHAG, SHAG ad naseum, then shag some more.  Snog. A lot.  Snog. Or maybe not, since she�s got Xander. Uh, kill !
 Evil Willow  Enthusiastic snog  Kill. Willow as a cleavagey slut-bomb just disturbs me   Shag. Yes please!  Shag. She�s grrr.
 Drusilla  Snog and then kill  Shag  Snog, but I'd be packing the stakes just in case.  Kill.
 Larry    Kill. He always seemed a one-joke character.  Kill (but I'd make it quick and painless).  Snog
Tara  Snog, and then help her pick out a new wardrobe  Kill, for the moment. The wardrobe department�s got it in for her, so I�d be putting her out of her misery.  Reserving judgement until I've seen her (though I'm thinking kill).  kill
Random Shag  Percy, dimmed-witted & rude but incredibly hot.  Darla.  Vampire Xander.  Devon. Hmm.
Random Snog  Kendra, the accent's holding her back.  Willow, for good measure.  Sandy (the girl in Doppelgangland).  Scott Hope. Okay, so he dumped Buffy, big deal ! ! He was cute.
Random Kill  Harmony, vapid and vacuous.  Parker, again, for good measure  Harmony. Ethan.  Human Harmony
Threesome with  Spike and Faith. Oh wow.  Faith and Cordelia.  Faith and Giles  Xander & Vamp Willow. Or possibly Xander & Oz.
 Non-Buffy threesome  Troy Hartman (MTV) and Jimmy Fallon (SNL)   Guinevere and Morgan le Fay (my own ideal hotties, created entirely out of my imagination.  Andrea Parker ( The Pretender) and Sheryl Crow (Are we allowed to *do* non-tv people?).
 Wes Bentley & Jude Law

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