Other Folk's Shag, Snog or Kill Lists

Come on, don't be shy. How are people going to know you're a drooling pervert if you don't give them written proof?

  Princess Slayer Cagewench Rogue_dh Christine
Buffy Can I be really controversial and kill her? Hehe. Can i give her some emotional depth? PLEASE! Shag Shag, but only with her season 3 hair and wardrobe
Willow Shag Shag, Snog, treat like a goddess A loving, tender, puppy-dog shag Very soft, tender and careful loving shag
Oz Shag up until his liason with the skanky fungal-foot-infection-named woman, then KILL, KILL, KILL! OZ shaggable pre-Veruca... KILL MAIM TORTURE CASTRATE post-Veruca :> cara Snog Snog and cuddle
Angel Kill. Very slowly and very painfully. Can I turn him back into Angelus? PLEASE? Definite Shag He's blah to me- maybe snog his poor soul a bit
Spike Shag. Silly question. How can you question? SHAG SHAG SNOG SNOG *swoon* Shag-City on a Saturday Night How come you even ask? SHAG SHAG SHAG-O-RAMA!!!!
Jenny I'll give her a snog before she dies. She was pretty... I guess she's shaggable Snog Snog and be girlfriends. Then steal her wardrobe.
Xander Snog. Shag... but he needs to be dressed like VampXander Snog Shag before he became so fat
Cordelia Hmmm...snog. SHAG Kill, feel guilty afterwards, then get over it Snog
Faith She'd be fun to shag. Can i Slay her? C'mon, can I... PLEASE?KILL KILL A Shag that would make the Animal Kingdom proud Shag, but let her live for good storylines
Wesley KILL IT! KILL THE BEAST! If he's in the leather outfit ... shag Kill KILL KILL KILL WESLEY THE WIMP!!!!
Riley Kill 'im. Think he can insult my Giles and get away with it? I'll show him. Stupid ninja nancy boy. Can I make him look less like a Fraggle first? Snog Tender shag, long snogging afterwards
Parker Kill. KILL KILL KILL Kill, Kill and Kill Again Let evil Angel torture him to death -VERY slowly.
Anya Snog. Oh Yeah Baby! Shagalicious! Ooo... Shag - No need to ask twice Snog
Evil Willow Shag. Kinkier Shagging and Snogging Shag Definitive double-shag. Oh yes baby.
Drusilla Snog. KILL KILL KILL unless they make her more sane Snog Snog; kill if my snogging doesn't make her sane
Larry He's a cutie, he can have a snog. Don't care... you should have NON-rat Amy here Snog Snog and be the girl who understands
Tara   Kill. If anyone's going to have an illustrious lesbian relationship with Willow, it's ME (just don't tell my boyfriend ;-)      Definite Kill. I just don't get a good vibe from that girl. And she's not even hot
Random Shag  Gage, the dumb swimmer guy from Go Fish with a penchant for the word 'dude'      Sunday; they shouldn't have her killed after only one ep.
Random Snog  My little baby Jonathon      My cutie Jonathan. He's the coolest, and I just wanna cuddle up with him.
Random Kill  Joyce. Thinks she can lay a finger on my Giles and get away with it...I'll show her...miserable cow...and she's a terrible mother, too.      Amy. I never liked her, and I don't understand all the fuss everybody makes about her. And her hair is crap.
Threesome with? Spike and Giles. Oooh, baby... Spike n Willow ( IRL i don't do females or 3somes) Spike and Willow Willow and Giles
Non-Buffy Threesome with? Erm...Tony Head and James Marsters? Or is that counted as cheating. Oh well, if it's wrong then I don't wanna be right! no one, but why isn't Tara on your list? Neve Campbell and Conan O'Brien (It could happen!) Glenn Quinn and 3rd season Michelle Williams

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