Princess Slayer | Cagewench | Rogue_dh | Christine | |
Buffy | Can I be really controversial and kill her? Hehe. | Can i give her some emotional depth? PLEASE! | Shag | Shag, but only with her season 3 hair and wardrobe |
Willow | Shag | Shag, Snog, treat like a goddess | A loving, tender, puppy-dog shag | Very soft, tender and careful loving shag |
Oz | Shag up until his liason with the skanky fungal-foot-infection-named woman, then KILL, KILL, KILL! | OZ shaggable pre-Veruca... KILL MAIM TORTURE CASTRATE post-Veruca :> cara | Snog | Snog and cuddle |
Giles | SHAG! SHAG! SHAG HIM LIKE HE"S NEVER BEEN SHAGGED BEFORE! | Shag, Snog especially if he's in Ripper mode | Snog | OH MY GOD! LET HIM SHAG ME ROTTEN DOGGIESTYLE!!! |
Angel | Kill. Very slowly and very painfully. | Can I turn him back into Angelus? PLEASE? | Definite Shag | He's blah to me- maybe snog his poor soul a bit |
Spike | Shag. Silly question. | How can you question? SHAG SHAG SNOG SNOG *swoon* | Shag-City on a Saturday Night | How come you even ask? SHAG SHAG SHAG-O-RAMA!!!! |
Jenny | I'll give her a snog before she dies. | She was pretty... I guess she's shaggable | Snog | Snog and be girlfriends. Then steal her wardrobe. |
Xander | Snog. | Shag... but he needs to be dressed like VampXander | Snog | Shag before he became so fat |
Cordelia | Hmmm...snog. | SHAG | Kill, feel guilty afterwards, then get over it | Snog |
Faith | She'd be fun to shag. | Can i Slay her? C'mon, can I... PLEASE?KILL KILL | A Shag that would make the Animal Kingdom proud | Shag, but let her live for good storylines |
Wesley | KILL IT! KILL THE BEAST! | If he's in the leather outfit ... shag | Kill | KILL KILL KILL WESLEY THE WIMP!!!! |
Riley | Kill 'im. Think he can insult my Giles and get away with it? I'll show him. Stupid ninja nancy boy. | Can I make him look less like a Fraggle first? | Snog | Tender shag, long snogging afterwards |
Parker | Kill. | KILL KILL KILL | Kill, Kill and Kill Again | Let evil Angel torture him to death -VERY slowly. |
Anya | Snog. | Oh Yeah Baby! Shagalicious! | Ooo... Shag - No need to ask twice | Snog |
Evil Willow | Shag. | Kinkier Shagging and Snogging | Shag | Definitive double-shag. Oh yes baby. |
Drusilla | Snog. | KILL KILL KILL unless they make her more sane | Snog | Snog; kill if my snogging doesn't make her sane |
Larry | He's a cutie, he can have a snog. | Don't care... you should have NON-rat Amy here | Snog | Snog and be the girl who understands |
Tara | Kill. If anyone's going to have an illustrious lesbian relationship with Willow, it's ME (just don't tell my boyfriend ;-) | Definite Kill. I just don't get a good vibe from that girl. And she's not even hot | ||
Random Shag | Gage, the dumb swimmer guy from Go Fish with a penchant for the word 'dude' | Sunday; they shouldn't have her killed after only one ep. | ||
Random Snog | My little baby Jonathon | My cutie Jonathan. He's the coolest, and I just wanna cuddle up with him. | ||
Random Kill | Joyce. Thinks she can lay a finger on my Giles and get away with it...I'll show her...miserable cow...and she's a terrible mother, too. | Amy. I never liked her, and I don't understand all the fuss everybody makes about her. And her hair is crap. | ||
Threesome with? | Spike and Giles. Oooh, baby... | Spike n Willow ( IRL i don't do females or 3somes) | Spike and Willow | Willow and Giles |
Non-Buffy Threesome with? | Erm...Tony Head and James Marsters? Or is that counted as cheating. Oh well, if it's wrong then I don't wanna be right! | no one, but why isn't Tara on your list? | Neve Campbell and Conan O'Brien (It could happen!) | Glenn Quinn and 3rd season Michelle Williams |